Go with the flow

September 23, 2024

In a world where JavaScript frameworks evolve at breakneck speed, developers often find themselves faced with the constant need to keep up with the latest updates. Some may grumble, wishing for stability, a slower pace that would let them master a single framework for years. But others, the more adventurous spirits, see this whirlwind of change as an opportunity—a reason to build smarter, leaner applications.

Let’s take Billy, a web developer with a knack for both artistry and efficiency. He loved working on the front end, crafting smooth user interfaces, and watching his vision come to life in the browser. But early in his career, he found himself frustrated with how quickly frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue would introduce new features, change patterns, and require updates. It felt like his application was always in flux, and sometimes he had to rewrite portions just to keep up.

One day, while refactoring an old project that used a now-outdated version of a framework, Billy had an epiphany. The pain he felt wasn’t because the framework had changed. It was because he had put too much weight on the front end—too much business logic buried deep within his components. Every framework update felt monumental because his front end was doing the heavy lifting that really should have been handled elsewhere.

That’s when Billy made a decision. Instead of fighting the changes, he would embrace them. But to do so, he needed to design applications that could easily adapt to the ever-shifting landscape of JavaScript frameworks. And the secret to that, he realized, was simplicity.

The more he explored, the more he realized the wisdom behind this approach. Frameworks like React or Vue were tools meant to display and interact with data, not to house the complex rules that govern an application. The rapid pace of change in these frameworks wasn’t a curse—it was a reminder to avoid coupling the logic of his business to the whims of the front end.

So, Billy began to build his applications with a new philosophy. He kept his front-end components lean, focusing them on the user experience: animations, interactivity, and displaying data. The business logic—the heart of how his app worked—was moved to the back end, or into shared services that lived separately from the UI layer.

With this architecture, the next time a new framework update came along, the change didn’t feel like an earthquake. Updating his components became simple, just a matter of adopting new patterns for displaying data, rather than rewriting entire systems.

More than that, Billy found he had become a better developer. The frequent updates in JavaScript frameworks pushed his to constantly improve his skills, and as a result, his applications grew more modular, more scalable, and more robust. He learned the value of separating concerns, designing code that was resilient to change, and keeping his eye on what mattered most: delivering value to the user.

In the end, the rapid evolution of JavaScript frameworks wasn’t something to fear. It was a challenge that kept his on his toes, reminding his of the importance of adaptability and smart design.